Adapt to survive

Many illustrators manage to retain a single defining style throughout their career. When I graduated with a First Class Honours Degree from Brighton Art College in the summer of 1975, I fondly imagined that I would be just such an illustrator. The first few years of my career I was able to trade upon my love of whimsical fairy tale orientated art with a modest degree of success. But seven years into the worlds of mists and mellow fruitfulness I realised that my career was stalling. I needed to effect some changes.
Below are some samples of my very early published work, including covers for Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass:

Cover to ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’, Piccolo Books 1977.

Cover to ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’, Piccolo Books 1977.

Cover to ‘Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There’, Piccolo Books 1977.

Cover to ‘Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There’, Piccolo Books 1977.